2018 Member of the Year
“I remember feeling so intimidated the first time I walked through the gym doors (then Mountain Fit) a little over three years ago after watching Malachi work with my daughter’s gymnastic team. Little did I know I’d find the best group of people I’d get to know. From day one I was welcomed into the family. When I started I had no background in CrossFit and never played sports. I had occasional gym membership but was sporadic in my attendance.
Caliber Fitness has been a second family to me! The coaches are all approachable and a wealth of knowledge. Our members are also very welcoming. It is part of our routine to introduce ourselves to any new person walking through the doors of Caliber.
There are so many options to scale the workouts to your fitness abilities, whether it be the weights or the movements or both. When I first started I could barely run the length of the block without having to walk, started with no weights on the bar, and it took me almost a year and half to do a pull-up. It is amazing to see the transformation and progression of so many of our family members since they have joined and I’m proud of their accomplishments and successes. I know I wouldn’t of continued if it wasn’t for them!!
Being at the gym is my stress relief and has had such a positive impact on my life! My only regret is not finding this family sooner.”
Known as the “Referral Queen of Caliber”.
Mrs. Kari Hawthorne, Caliber’s 2019 Member of the Year.
Kari joined Caliber in the very beginning days, left for some time in order to have a hip replacement and has been recovering and growing with us ever since. She has logged over 330 workouts since her return and continues to brighten member’s days every time she walks through the door.
Her banter can be rated R at times, (Oh…Karl…) and her voice can be heard mid WOD discussion using the phrase “this is MY journey”. It’s just a large punch she gets to pack with her small frame.
Kari (a.k.a. Karl, as she is known in the 4:45pm class is no match for negativity and complaining). Her laugh can be heard from the other side of the gym and it truly radiates through the rafters. Each coach has made a connection to this woman over the year and it is no surprise she was voted Caliber’s 2019 Member of the Year by Caliber Coaches and staff.
If you come to try a class at Caliber, Kari will be the woman with her arm around a friend and that friend close in tow. Haha
Karl, we thank you for your spunk and willingness to push Caliber into a positive light. Your desire to share and show the world what Caliber has to offer is an honor. She truly wants people to experience a gym where you will be supported, safely monitored, encouraged and loved! #Caliberfamily.
“Show em, Karl!”
"I had just had my second daughter February of 2019 and was struggling with horrible postpartum depression. My best friend Amanda told me that I should join her for a class at the gym she had been going to. At this point I was desperate for anything that would help me feel Better/ normal . I went to my first class and after that class I was hooked. I still struggle daily with postpartum depression and at times it feels really heavy but the moment I step into the gym I can feel the heaviness go away. This gym has been so amazing for not only my mental health but my physical health. I can go knowing I will never be judged or out of place because these people have become my family and caliber has become my safe place. I look forward to seeing everyone’s faces every time I go. I am thankful every day that I walked through the doors of caliber. It has helped me become the person and mother I have always wanted to be, and for that I am so very thankful!